Plaqueoff Bones Chicken
Plaqueoff Bones Chicken
Item Code: FP0204
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ProDen PlaqueOff Dental Care Bones are the first chews on the market which contain the 100% natural and clinically provenProDen PlaqueOff formula. The bones have a dual approach to bad breath, plaque and tartar - they have an abrasive element, as well as containing the ProDen PlaqueOff formula to help prevent reformation.
ProDen PlaqueOff Dental Care Bones are the first chews on the market which contain the 100% natural and clinically provenProDen PlaqueOff formula. The bones have a dual approach to bad breath, plaque and tartar - they have an abrasive element, as well as containing the ProDen PlaqueOff formula to help prevent reformation.
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