Happy Pet Giant Mouse Catnip
Happy Pet Giant Mouse Catnip
Item Code: 10168
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A giant mouse shaped cat toy with feathers filled with catnip to encourage chase and play. This bright interactive mouse and feather toy will provide hours of stimulation for your cat. Great for Aerobic exercise Chase, pounce and playtime Helping them get active if overweight Outlet for your cats natural hunting instincts Comes with a refillable tube of catnip. Size 8.5x24x6cm
A giant mouse shaped cat toy with feathers filled with catnip to encourage chase and play. This bright interactive mouse and feather toy will provide hours of stimulation for your cat. Great for Aerobic exercise Chase, pounce and playtime Helping them get active if overweight Outlet for your cats natural hunting instincts Comes with a refillable tube of catnip. Size 8.5x24x6cm
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