Vetzyme Moult & Coat Oil
Vetzyme Moult & Coat Oil
Item Code: S0400
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- Helps reduce excessive moulting and promotes shine - A complementary pet food for dogs and cats A daily feed supplement for dogs and cats, to promote a shiny, handsome coat. It will help to reduce excessive moulting which can cause fur balls. Moult problems are often caused by the dehydrating effects of central heating and warm weather. A good source of vitamins and energy, it also promotes strong bones and teeth and is great for all round good health. Daily Recommendations Mix the following amounts with food (5ml - 1tsp) Dogs/Cats < 5kg...........................up to 5ml Dogs/Cats 5 - 25kg........................5 - 7.5ml Dogs 25 - 35kg.............................7.5 - 10ml Dogs 35kg+.................................10 - 15ml DO NOT EXCEED DAILY RECOMMENDATIONS
BBD 10/22
- Helps reduce excessive moulting and promotes shine - A complementary pet food for dogs and cats A daily feed supplement for dogs and cats, to promote a shiny, handsome coat. It will help to reduce excessive moulting which can cause fur balls. Moult problems are often caused by the dehydrating effects of central heating and warm weather. A good source of vitamins and energy, it also promotes strong bones and teeth and is great for all round good health. Daily Recommendations Mix the following amounts with food (5ml - 1tsp) Dogs/Cats < 5kg...........................up to 5ml Dogs/Cats 5 - 25kg........................5 - 7.5ml Dogs 25 - 35kg.............................7.5 - 10ml Dogs 35kg+.................................10 - 15ml DO NOT EXCEED DAILY RECOMMENDATIONS
BBD 10/22
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