Pennine Fish Bowl Lid & Base - 9L
Pennine Fish Bowl Lid & Base - 9L
Item Code: 5072
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This large Fish Bowl comes complete with lid and base and has a capacity of 9 litres.
The bowl will make the perfect home for your goldfish or other small fish friends, being a simple and classic design, with the curved neck and colourful lid adding a touch of elegance. The body of the bowl is completely transparent, allowing you to view your fish easily from all angles.
This large Fish Bowl comes complete with lid and base and has a capacity of 9 litres.
The bowl will make the perfect home for your goldfish or other small fish friends, being a simple and classic design, with the curved neck and colourful lid adding a touch of elegance. The body of the bowl is completely transparent, allowing you to view your fish easily from all angles.
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