Komodo Forest Orchid
Komodo Forest Orchid
Item Code: 83000
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Komodo's Orchid Bark Forest Terrain is the perfect substrate for forest and tropical set ups and can be used for wet or dry environments. This natural bark chippings substrate is sourced from a 100% organic renewable resource. All Komodo's natural substrates aid in the establishment of the correct environment for a reptile or amphibian and comes from 100% renewable sources. Size 6 Litre
Komodo's Orchid Bark Forest Terrain is the perfect substrate for forest and tropical set ups and can be used for wet or dry environments. This natural bark chippings substrate is sourced from a 100% organic renewable resource. All Komodo's natural substrates aid in the establishment of the correct environment for a reptile or amphibian and comes from 100% renewable sources. Size 6 Litre
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