King British Goldfish Floating Food Pellet
King British Goldfish Floating Food Pellet
Item Code: 17891
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King British Goldfish Floating Food Pellets 35gm - Manufactured from the highest quality ingredients, King British Goldfish Floating Food Sticks provide a complete and perfectly balanced diet to keep your fish healthy, active and colourful. Feed as complete food for variety. Contains Immuno Health Booster - a unique natural compound which helps provide a stronger natural shield against general infection and disease.
King British Goldfish Floating Food Pellets 35gm - Manufactured from the highest quality ingredients, King British Goldfish Floating Food Sticks provide a complete and perfectly balanced diet to keep your fish healthy, active and colourful. Feed as complete food for variety. Contains Immuno Health Booster - a unique natural compound which helps provide a stronger natural shield against general infection and disease.
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