Exo Terra Cricket Pen
Exo Terra Cricket Pen
Item Code: PT2285
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The Exo Terra Cricket Pen is ideal for housing, keeping and dispensing live crickets. Crickets prefer dark spaces, and will readily crawl into the tubes which provide hiding places for them, making it easy to use the tubes as dispensing tools. The tubes remain in position when the lid is removed, allowing easy access and less chance of cricket escape. - Complete cricket care kit - Removable, well-ventilated lid - Easy cricket dispenser - Includes cricket food dish and water bowl - Makes cricket feeding neat & tidy
The Exo Terra Cricket Pen is ideal for housing, keeping and dispensing live crickets. Crickets prefer dark spaces, and will readily crawl into the tubes which provide hiding places for them, making it easy to use the tubes as dispensing tools. The tubes remain in position when the lid is removed, allowing easy access and less chance of cricket escape. - Complete cricket care kit - Removable, well-ventilated lid - Easy cricket dispenser - Includes cricket food dish and water bowl - Makes cricket feeding neat & tidy
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