Adaptil Spray
Adaptil Spray
Item Code: 7135
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Contains an analogue of the natural canine appeasing pheromone. Helps comfort puppies and adult dogs in situations they may find worrying or which make them apprehensive. Can be used for events both inside and outside the house, such as: travelling in the car, adjusting to a new environment (new home, strangers, shelters), visiting the vet, hospitalisation, novel and unpredictable situations. Diffuser and Collar last about 4 weeks.
Contains an analogue of the natural canine appeasing pheromone. Helps comfort puppies and adult dogs in situations they may find worrying or which make them apprehensive. Can be used for events both inside and outside the house, such as: travelling in the car, adjusting to a new environment (new home, strangers, shelters), visiting the vet, hospitalisation, novel and unpredictable situations. Diffuser and Collar last about 4 weeks.
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